The Runners
The Cryptorunners, also simply called "Runners", are highly skilled hackers. Feared by the powerful, they infiltrate servers and tear apart security systems known as ICE in order to access the most valuable data and dirty secrets. Learn about the Runner's factions here, and visit the Lore section for more.
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The Corporations
In the not-so-distant future, the aftermath of several world-changing events has transformed life as we know it. From the chaos of this dying world, five mega-corporations have risen to the top, pushing humanity and technology to new limits. While they sell their products and services to people and the economic and social disparity skyrockets, they weave complex and fragile alliances with each other and scheme to achieve control over humanity.
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Schäfer & Schäfer Laboratories
Healthier Minds in Healthier Bodies
Schäfer & Schäfer Laboratories focuses on developing opioids, painkillers, and performance enhancement drugs as well as cures for traditional ailments. The company is also the major provider of genetic enhancement treatments and high-tech prosthetics aimed to bring everyone’s body up to its fullest potential. These upgrades, sometimes accused of interfering with people’s bodily autonomy, range from more efficient internal organs to neuronal implants which allow the user to interact with the grid without the need for any peripherals. Whichever body part you want to improve, S&S has got you covered.

Karaguchi Conglomerate
Nurturing Growth
The Karaguchi Conglomerate holds a monopoly on most of the world's food and drinking water supply. The company engineered crops that require less water and nutrients to grow and cultured meat without the need of devoting space to cattle. Some speculate that the company is secretly using this technology to make a breakthrough in human cloning. For better or worse, most of what you eat and drink in 2112 comes from your nearby KC convenience store.

Adonis Digital Group
We Know What You Want
The Adonis Digital Group is the largest producer of entertainment and also the owner of several of the world's biggest news outlets. The company owns the patent for what they call "pleasure NFTs", consumable Non-Fungible Tokens that can be exchanged for sensory experiences that are difficult to achieve in the real world, such as tasting exotic or expensive food and drinks, riding amusement park rides and even realistic sexual activities. Adonis knows what you want, and they will give it to you, for a price.

Zebra Synthetics
Achieving Perfection
Zebra Synthetics is the biggest developer of AIs used in cyberspace, state-of-the-art automated androids, and the most powerful intrusion programs and defensive ICE on the planet. It's well known that some of the world's most complex, effective, and beautiful Grids are designed by Zebra. The company has also made enormous advances regarding high-tech cyber-implants that enhance the user's physical and perceptive capabilities. If you want to have something done right, you have it done by Zebra.

Wardlord Defense Industries
Order Protected
Wardlord Defense Industries makes 65% of all weapons on the planet and holds defense contracts with almost every existing country. WDI's Research and Development Department has a larger budget than most countries' GDPs and also provides what they call "defense solutions", which is a euphemism for mercenary services -both legal and illegal-. Whether it is putting bullets into people or protecting them, WDI has been making a profit on it since time immemorial.

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